School Association

The Hobart City High School Association is the link between the priorities and needs of our school and the needs of our community. Parents and carers of students at Hobart City High School are automatically members of the Association, and are welcome to come along to our monthly meetings.

Get in touch with us at

Hobart City High School Association Committee Members for 2024

  • Claire Bryan, Chair
  • Mariana Cordeiro, Deputy Chair
  • Bron Ristow, Secretary
  • Olivia McMenamin, Treasurer
  • Kate Gross
  • Janet Legg
  • Helen Ridley
  • Mandy Maree (staff)
  • Daniel Pickett (staff)
  • and Lead Principal, Britany Roestenburg

Meeting dates for 2024 (Tuesdays, 5:30 - 7:00 pm) 

  • 6 August OC
  • 3 September OC
  • 5 November NTC
  • 3 December TBA

We have developed a Strategic Plan that will guide our work for the next two years.

Hobart City High School Association Strategic Plan 2022-24

Our purpose

To build a connected school community that encourages families to participate and support our school and our learners.

Our vision

A vibrant, diverse and inclusive school community that works with the school to enable our young people to flourish.

Our values

We support the school’s values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage and Growth, and add our own values to guide our behaviour and decision-making:

  • Collaboration – we work together with integrity to make a difference
  • Compassion – we embrace equity and treat each other with respect
  • Optimism – we are proud of our school and we lead by example

Our goals

In the next two years we will work towards achieving our goals.

  1. Engagement: Create an informed and engaged school community.
  2. Input: Provide valuable input into the plans and policies of the school.
  3. Support: Support the school’s priorities through partnerships and fundraising.


In the next 12 months we will focus on: 

  • Implementing the HCHSA Engagement Strategy, in particular Friends of HCHS and partner primary schools and school community events. 
  • Supporting the community consultation on Elizabeth College partnership. 
  • Creating a decision-making framework for school priority projects and financial support. 
  • Exploring models for fundraising and mobilising school community support. 
  • Advocating for school leadership certainty with the Department for Education, Children and Young People.